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Famous Teacher Lecture Hall | What is science?

Lecture hall



     What is science?Looking back at the history of modern science, it can be found that the essence of science is to ask the roots, and then follow the three places to ask “why”.There are three elements in science: scientific purpose, scientific spirit, scientific method.Understand these elements so that we can better develop science.

Introduction to the lecturer

      Zhang Shuangnan, director of the High Energy Physics Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the key laboratory of particle celestial physics.He was selected as the National Fund Commissioner and the Ministry of Education’s Yangtze River specially appointed professor.The research fields are black holes, neutron stars, cosmology and space astronomy.He is the chief scientist such as Tiangong II Space Lab, which was launched in September 2016, and the gamma storm polarization experiment and the “Hui Eye” astronomical satellite in June 2017.

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