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What is fashion?When did you start defining fashion?Let’s learn together

What is the specific definition of fashion?

Fashion is a social trend that combines time and fashion.Some people think that fashion is simple and unpretentious. Some people think that fashion is gorgeous and high -end. Some people think that fashion is personal characteristics and unique.

Fashion is also leading.When we see the airport photos of the star idols and various beautiful pictures, the first reaction may be that this is obviously beautiful. SecondlyPursue this style and buy the same clothes.If the public responds well, if you like this style, the same type of clothes will be popular in this period of time, leading the fashion.

In ancient times, there was a pursuit of beauty. In ancient times, people in each period had their own unique styles and fashion.In the Han Dynasty’s clothes, the main ones were robes, 襜褕 〔〔〔〔〕, 襦 [short clothes], and skirts. At that time, the clothes were relatively simple and simple.

Women in the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties are popular with gowns and miscellaneous dresses, which are very beautiful.When in the Northern Dynasties, it began to be popular with comfortable pants folds, short robes, all kinds of boots, narrow clothes, and slightly high skirt waist. They thought it was good and convenient.

Therefore, no matter what period, it has personal characteristics, regardless of the meaning of that style, as long as it exists, someone will like it. When we appreciate the public’s aesthetics, we must also accept niche aesthetics.

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